Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's 'Onley' On Top

STEPHEN HARPER has appointed Ontario's new Lieutenant-Governor David Onley. To be clear, the Prime Minister appoints all Lieutenant-Governors and will appoint the next Governor-General, not Dalton McGuinty or Queen Elizabeth II. The former CityTV anchor is being heralded for 'integrity' and 'honesty'. I thought what was most important was having a nice smile. Harper has also recently appointed the new Québec Lieutenant-Governor.

Of course, this announcement has received no fanfare, and brings about the all-important questions: 'who was the last Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario?' and 'what's a Lieutenant-Governor?' or, my personally favourite, 'why is it Leff-tenant?'
  1. The Hon James K Bartleman
  2. Representative of the Monarchy (Queen of Canada Elizabeth II) who gives royal assent to provincial laws, occasional adviser to the premier, promoter of charitable causes.
  3. Because it's Canada, rather than taking the French pronunciation, English Canada insists on the British pronunciation. Yes, that does mean the Americans pronounce it the French way because of French involvement in the American War of Independence. No, they did not realize it during the Freedom Fries debacle - if they had it would be rightenant.
Note: One GAM commenter noted that Onley has combatted a physical disability this, like being from Haiti for G-G Micheale Jean, makes him a minority. Said commenter also laments that these 'minorities' keep getting appointed instead of the 'common people'. The commenter noted Onley's physical disability from when he had polio as a child as something that singled him out from us 'common people', not his religious beliefs (Born Again) or that he is a white male. I hope he doesn't find out about this:

In awkward headlines, the GAM gives us this gem: ONTARIO TO SEND HUNDREDS OF AUTISTIC CHILDREN TO CAMP - it's not as bad as it sounds. Though I've also seen it with 'Dalton' replacing 'Ontario'.


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