Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Toronto No Longer 'facebook' Capital of World

Where once Toronto was able to claim it was the facebook Capital of the World, it has been usurped. Fortunately, it has gone to our former colonial overlords in London. While Toronto's facebook dominance coloured the social utility with various urban concerns and 'facade saving' expeditions (from Sam The Record Man to CityTV trucks to the Sheppard Subway line to'Let's Resurrect Honest Ed'), now Londoner's concerns will come to the fore.

Finally we can all hear about how much everyone hates the 2012 Olympic logo and be emotional scarred by the image of Lisa Simpson performing oral 'favours' just in time for the big release Simpsons Movie. Maybe we'll hear about the next coffee shop-bound single mom who will take over the world with her series of novels sooner, or something about the Queen.


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