Shuffles in the upper echelons of Stéphane Dion's politico-non-campaign campaign machine suggest he's up for a makeover. Here at
Matt & Lauren in the Mornin', but Actually at Night there's nothing we love than a good makeover. So we thought we'd volunteer our own Stéphane Dion Makeover. Here is Stéphane now:

Jeez, even for his official glam-shot Stéphane still looks like he's offering to do your homework in exchange for fewer wedgies. Paper in the foreground! All this says about Stéphane is that he can read documents that are printed on white paper! BLANDORAMA. What does Stéphane believe in? Well he has his three pillars let's try: ENVIRO-MENTAL STéPHANE:

Mmm...maybe this is too enviro...mental. This might alienate voters who are, already alienated by his environmental stance. Though the thumbs up is a definite bonus and the solar panel says "I like technology, I'm not all wonky granola" let's keep the good and drop the bad. Maybe play with that whole steel-coloured hair. Everyone loves of silver-spandex jumpsuit:

New hair style kind of reminiscent of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It's very shiney, the kids love their bling. Although Harper does have the whole robot thing basically in the pocket. Stéphane wants to play up how passionate he is, how nouveau génération he is.

Politics is all about streetcred. As in appropriating various popular culture figures to advance your own cred. Like Paul Martin and Bono. Unfortunately this makeover won't do it all, because Stéph went to sperm-donor to the stars, K-Fed (Kevin Federline, you know, Britney Spear's ex-husband), for fashion advice. I'd keep the PIMP cup, "cause I'm all for gettin' 'crunked' like it's hot", but the earrings are too grandma-Dion. K-Fed doesn't mean 'Kanadian-Federalism' Stéph, you'd better back off!
Well let's take the best of the new and the old, and we get Stéphane "Stéph" Dion 2.0 (I am the user-driven content):

Cheers, Stéph 2.0, cheers.
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