Friday, December 5, 2008

The blue sweater unravels

The blue sweater unravels
Originally uploaded by jcbear2

This might be what Lauren and I need for our grand return. We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Matt and Lauren endorse Sen. Barack Obama

It's November 5th 2008, the morning after. As good a time as any to express our support for a candidate in the US presidential election. Of course, we didn't come back for the Canadian election (and neither did most people). However, since Canada is America's Monday morning quarterback we thought it was time for us to voice our grossly over-informed opinions on the matter.

We endorse Senator Barack Hope Obama for the Presidency of the United States of America.

Hey! What do you know? He won. Looks like we're 1-0 in victories for endorsed candidates.

Congratulations us!

Oh, and also: Congratulations USA, way to not fuck this one up!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Matt on the Radio

You've probably abandoned us long ago. But if you do what to hear Matt's drawl without seeing him or the pretense of buying him a beer or suchlike, he's on the airwaves (occasionally).

You can check him out at CIUT 89.5, on a morning show in the morning Take 5. He's mostly a newswriter but has had some on air blurbs and bits.

More on our adventures in volunteerism, careerism and failure as they develop.

Maybe even the occasional outburst of snark.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Newfoundland and Labrador evicts Quebec Innu

"Anytime anybody squats on land or asserts rights, we as a government have to deal with that," said Premier Danny Williams. Without a hint of irony.

Also, that 24 Hour Comic Day thing was our SURPRISE 100th post. After which we promptly disappeared.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

24 Hour Comic Day

Our hundredth post kicks off our Non-Sequitur 24 Hour Comic Day.

Lauren and I will be making a comic each (24 pages, at least 100 panels, fully inked and lettered - colour optional) in the next 24 hours.
We will be updating MALITM (BAN) hourly, so keep in touch!

Matt & Lauren in the Morning but actually in 24 hours.

1pm to 1pm

1pm Jan 19 - Begin!

2pm - Matt 2 panels. Lauren 1 panel + character designs. Both panicked 10 minutes in.

3pm - Matt 1 page (not fully inked/lettered)/7 panels + one female lead named Maybel. Lauren 4 panels (fully done). Lauren doesn't want to say anything. We may never hour behind...

4pm - Matt 1.5 pages (still not fully inked or lettered). Lauren 1 page (6 panels). Lauren in early stages of fatigue. Matt accidentally drew Mary Walsh.

5pm - Matt 1.8 pages (slightly more inked and lettered). Lauren 1 pages (6 panel, page 2 in progress). Lauren losing hope, listening to Journey's Don't Stop Believing.

6pm - Matt 2 (3/4 pencilled page 3). Lauren 2 pages on third. Opened bag of chips. Doubting selves. Beginning to pack in violence, sex, sexy violence and the Bird.

7pm - Matt 3.5. Lauren 3ish/4ish. Film teacher called. Matt is giving up tequila for this. This is OK, a film teacher understands these kinds of things. The plot thickens!

8pm - Matt 4 Lauren 3 on her fourth.

9pm-1:20am - Matt and Lauren fail at Liveblearging.

1:20 am - Matt goes to bed. Finishing page 15 or 16 with the ominous line, "I can wait too." He has never drawn an obese man giving the finger so much.

12:49pm Jan 20 - Matt is done, seriously. 103 panels, 24 pages + cover.