Tuesday, January 15, 2008

24 Hour Comic Day

Our hundredth post kicks off our Non-Sequitur 24 Hour Comic Day.

Lauren and I will be making a comic each (24 pages, at least 100 panels, fully inked and lettered - colour optional) in the next 24 hours.
We will be updating MALITM (BAN) hourly, so keep in touch!

Matt & Lauren in the Morning but actually in 24 hours.

1pm to 1pm

1pm Jan 19 - Begin!

2pm - Matt 2 panels. Lauren 1 panel + character designs. Both panicked 10 minutes in.

3pm - Matt 1 page (not fully inked/lettered)/7 panels + one female lead named Maybel. Lauren 4 panels (fully done). Lauren doesn't want to say anything. We may never finish...one hour behind...

4pm - Matt 1.5 pages (still not fully inked or lettered). Lauren 1 page (6 panels). Lauren in early stages of fatigue. Matt accidentally drew Mary Walsh.

5pm - Matt 1.8 pages (slightly more inked and lettered). Lauren 1 pages (6 panel, page 2 in progress). Lauren losing hope, listening to Journey's Don't Stop Believing.

6pm - Matt 2 (3/4 pencilled page 3). Lauren 2 pages on third. Opened bag of chips. Doubting selves. Beginning to pack in violence, sex, sexy violence and the Bird.

7pm - Matt 3.5. Lauren 3ish/4ish. Film teacher called. Matt is giving up tequila for this. This is OK, a film teacher understands these kinds of things. The plot thickens!

8pm - Matt 4 Lauren 3 on her fourth.

9pm-1:20am - Matt and Lauren fail at Liveblearging.

1:20 am - Matt goes to bed. Finishing page 15 or 16 with the ominous line, "I can wait too." He has never drawn an obese man giving the finger so much.

12:49pm Jan 20 - Matt is done, seriously. 103 panels, 24 pages + cover.