Monday, July 9, 2007

S2S2S(N): Obsolecence Edition

[Sea to Sea to Sea (Nearly) is our look at the country most commonly known as "Canada" without so much as making a passing-glance at the affairs of the federal government, federal-province relations or any the like. It aims to go, from sea to sea to sea...or as close as possible on any a regular basis.]

The Essence of Obsolescence is being replaced by a machine. An unthinking, always on, clap on/off machine, just ask a retired bowling-ball returner. Anyway, what use is it for me to scrounge the dingy corners of the internet (and what dingier corners are there than those occupied by the Vast Canadian Media Conspiracy?) when you can see all of the country all of the time.

In an effort to assuage those who think the CBC is a propaganda tool, has positioned itself as the unblinking eye on Canada. Big Mother Corp if you will. Tune in here for a LIVE webcam of your street. Maybe if you use some triangulation you can up your blog profile by posting some kind of signage in the webcam's sights. Crap, I've revealed my master plan.

Which Canadian city will become the new Lonelygirl15? Saskatoon, I'm watchin' you.


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