Friday, May 11, 2007

Aircraft-Carrier vs. Mahmoud

Dick Cheney is making promises to personally send people to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and an upper hand in the Middle East. It is easy to see why the US doesn't want Nuclear-Mahmoud to go nuclear. However, his skillz just aren't where the game's at.

Threats? Dramatic posing on an aircraft carrier? Are you trying to show Mahmoud "Hey, I'm a vastly technologically and military preponderant superpower" when you really mean to say "I care". I thought so, Mr Vice-President.

This is precisely what our good friend the nuclear powered Robo-Manatee is for. Not only does it shoot lasers out of its eyes (bound to inspire love and respect from any world leader) but it is also a master of etiquette and protocol. Like C-3P0 but less of a pansy. Yes, Dick, we both know last thing America is is a pansy. I urge you, deploy Stan the Robo-Manatee to solve your diplomatic troubles. He mixes some fierce drinks and is excellent in all kinds of date configurations (double, harem, secret service, "with my fist").

Mr Cheney go with the 'Tee, Robo-Manatee that is.
Update: If you see any nukes, uh...lying around. Er...If you see any nukes lying around, y'know don't panic and maybe...check out the information here. (ahhhhhh)

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