Thursday, May 31, 2007

Parliament Gone Gab-Mad

Prime Minister Harper decided today was a good day to put on his dancing shoes and do the defelct-criticism two-step. In what must be admired in terms of Parlimentary back-and-forth as being at least a Category 4 bitchstorm, three of the most prominent members of the House got all tangled up.

It starts with Opposition Leader Stéphane Dion: "The Minister of Defence must step down!"

To which Harper responds: "You never served in the Armed Forces so I don't have to listen to you."

Opposition Deputy Leader Michael Ignatieff counters: "You know, I was just looking over your commendable military records in caucus last week. I think I have them here...let me just," *motions getting folder, opening invisible folder* "Oh yea: you don't have any."

Harper: At least I lived in this country for the last thirty year. Tax-dodger.

Ignatieff: Ohno you didn't.

Harper: Ohyes I did.

That's right there was a Canadianess-off in the House of Commons today. Not only that, but Stephen Harper tried to rebuke all criticism of the Afghanistan mission. This is, of course, remarkably consistent if you look at how:
-civilians (that is non-military folks) put the troops on the ground, and therefore should not say anything about what happens thenceforth
-and, how Harper only listens to the most expert folks. Like the non-French-speaking Francophonie Minister way back, or listening to environmentalists on the environment.

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(By the way, winner of the Canadianess-off Dr Ruby Dhalla, quelle surprise?)

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