Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Future Killer-Robot Pledges to Fight for Science

Today Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dalton McGuinty have signed two memoranda of agreement between Cal-EE-FOR-nya and Ahn-ter-yo on the topics of stem cell research and climate change. Like his loin cloth wearing alter-ego, Arnie has chosen to wield a double-edge sword. This time, it's the sword of modern science. Like said alter-ego, he will use it to cut through any girly man that gets in his way! New super-heat resistant amphibious-Californians will be able to withstand the extreme temperature and flooding caused by the climate change, that Hollywood (/North) prevented by switching to compact fluorescents.

Arnold is definitely one to practice what he preaches. Look at the Terminator series, now that's a morality play I can get behind.

Next, Arnie at 24 Sussex and he is there to PUMP STEVIE UP.

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