In other news, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, after his brief foray into the international affairs with Ahnold, has decided to snub the Pope. It looks like all that Harry Potter he's been reading has finally gotten to him. Just because Dumbledore dies doesn't mean you need to give up on the One True Faith. Sure, the Terminator wants to talk the environment Dalton's floppy ears are all a-wiggle, when His Holiness is game "I have other responsibilities". (Don't tell Benny, but I think what he means is Don't call me, I'll call you.)
Meanwhile, in Germany...the G-8 Summit is about to get under way. It promises to be awkward at least for Georgie and Vlad. It's nice that Tony will be showing up, now that he's basically declared himself politically irrelevant by resigning. Harper is going to try sporting his green tie for the conference. The G-8 most remarkable aspect is definitely the whole protesting aspect. Those altermondialistes love painstakingly making papiermaché world leader heads.
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